Description: What cell salt should I take?
This guide provides a comprehensive list of common ailments and their corresponding cell salt remedies. Use it as a quick reference for which cell salt to take to support natural healing and restore balance in the body and mind. You can take 3-5 cell salts at a time.
For a list of cell salts with their benefits click here.
- Acne (with discharge): #3, #7
- Allergies (skin): #7
- Anemia: #2, #4
- Anxiety: #8
- Arthritis: #10, #7
- Made worse by cold, damp #11
- Athlete’s Foot: #12, #7
- Asthma: #7
- Worse from damp/cold #11
- Bile (strengthens): #3
- Bleeding: #4
- Blood (purifier): #3
- Body Aches-
- Boils
- painful, no discharge #12
- with discharge #3
- Bone (infection): #3
- Bone diseases (all): #2
- Broken bone: #12, Calc Fluor, Calc Phos
- Bone spur: #1
- Bronchitis: #3, #7
- Bruises- #4
- Burns- #6
- Calloused heels- #1
- Claustrophobia: #7
- Circulation: #1
- Cold : #5, #11 (lingering)#7, (thin, clear mucus #9)
- Cold Sores: #9
- Confusion: #11
- Congestion: #4
- yellow mucus #3
- green mucus #11
- with dry cough #9
- Constipation: #9, #12
- Cough: #5, (Dry) #9
- Depression: #8
- Mild #6
- hatefulness, jealousy #10
- listlessness, emotional disturbances #4
- Dental abscess: #12 (with discharge: #3)
- Dehydration: (dry mouth or lips) #9
- Digestion (poor assimilation): #2 (upset with fatty foods: #10)
- Digestion support: See Liver, Gallbladder, Stomach Ache
- Dry cracked, hands/lips: #1
- Ear Infection/pain- #5, #11
- Eczema: #7, #9, (wont clear) #5
- Edema- #11 & 9
- Eye twitch: #8
- Eyes (painful): #10 (crusty upon waking: #10)
- Fatigue: #2, #3, #8 (elderly declining: #2), #4
- Failure to Thrive: #2
- Face Tics: #8
- Feet (sweaty, itchy, burning, odor): #3
- Fever- #4, #5
- Chills #11
- Flu- #4
- Fracture- #4
- Gallbladder support: #3, #10
- Gas/Belching: #8, #10
- Painful gas #11
- Gout: #10
- Green tongue: #11
- Grief: #9
- Growing pains: #2, Calc Phos, #8, #1
- Hair (brittle, breaks easily): #12
- Headaches: #4 & #5
- In children: #2
- Sinus: #12
- Frontal: #3
- Top of head: #8, #10
- Tension: #6
- One sided-#6
- After injury #11
- From sunlight/sensitive #11
- Heartburn: #10
- Heart palpitations: #4
- Hearing (blocked eustachian tubes): #12
- Hemorrhoid: #1
- Hot flashes: #7
- Hot weather:
- oppressed by ( feel ill, heavy, confused, irritable, sweaty)#11
- Indecisiveness (irritability, timidity): #7
- Indigestion: #10
- Infection: #4
- Inflammation: #4
- Insomnia: #2, #8
- feels exhausted but cannot sleep #6
- Insufficient perspiration: #12
- Joint pain: #10
- Joints (stiff, swollen): #10, #1
- Kidney support: #2, #10
- Leg cramps: #8
- Leg pain
- Liver support: #3, #7, #11
- Magnesium deficiency: #8, #6 (take together)
- Memory: #6
- Mental Fatigue: #6
- Menstrual cramps: #8 (heavy bleeding with fatigue #4)
- Morning sickness: #10
- Muscle:
- cramps #2, #8 (severe cramps take together)
- spasm: #2, #8
- soreness from overwork: #10
- Nausea- #11
- Nails:
- brittle, break easily #12
- fungus: #12
- white spots: #12
- Nerves: (relax, recover and regain strength) #6,
- Night sweats: #12
- Nightmares/terrors- #6
- Nosebleed: #4
- Ovarian support: #2
- Oversensitivity: #6
- Overthinking: #6
- Pain:
- in extremities: #7
- lower back (better when laying on hard surface) #9
- Pelvic floor support: #1
- Post-surgery: #12
- Puberty: #2
- Reproductive organs: #3
- Ringworm: #7
- Sadness: #6
- Self-pity: #6
- Sensitivities (to cold): #12
- Shyness (lack of self-confidence): #12
- Sinus infection (yellow mucus): #7
- Skin (oily): #7
- Sore throat: #3, #7, #5, #11
- Splinters: #12
- Spleen support: #3
- Sprain: #4
- Stiff joints: #1
- Stress: #5
- nervous tension #6
- Stretch marks: #1
- Stomach ache: #2
- cramps: #8
- Sweaty
- hands and feet: #12
- excessive: #7
- Swelling: #9 & 11
- Glands #5
- Toothache
- Tonsils (chronically enlarged): #2
- Tooth decay: #2
- Varicose veins: #1
- Vitamin A (aids in assimilation): #2
- Vitamin B1(aids in assimilation): #6
- Vitamin B2 (aids in assimilation): #2, #7, #12, #9
- Vitamin B’s(aids in assimilation): (all)- #5
- Vitamin D (aids in assimilation): #2, #12
- Vitamin E(aids in assimilation): #12, #7, #6, #1
- Vitamin K (aids in assimilation): #2
- Vomiting: #11
- Water Retention: #9
- Weakness (overall): #2
- White tongue: #5
- Wounds:
- slow to heal #3
- infected #3
Dosing instructions:
- For everyday building and chronic communications: Take 1-2 tablets, 1-3xs/day. Dissolve under the tongue or in water.
- Acute communications: 1-2 tablets, every 1-2 hours.
Cell salts work best when dissolved under your tongue or in your mouth. If that’s not an option, you can dissolve them in water or herbal tea—just sip slowly, don’t chug. They’re designed to be absorbed through the mouth’s lining.
Unlike homeopathic remedies, cell salts don’t need a long gap from food or supplements—1 to 3 minutes is enough for them to be fully absorbed. Try not to touch the tablets with your hands. Instead, pour the needed amount into the bottle’s lid, then place them under your tongue, in your mouth, or into your drink.
My favorite cell salts are from Hylands but you can use your favorite brand!
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